虾米英语网收录的英文电子书《How to Stop the End of the World – Tom Mitchell》,全部1册,epub,mobi格式,下载解压后可以在电脑、平板、IPAD、手机等各种智能设备观看,免费提供夸克网盘下载。
《How to Stop the End of the World – Tom Mitchell》电子书 资源介绍
电子书《How to Stop the End of the World – Tom Mitchell》
今天给大家分享的电子书是《How to Stop the End of the World – Tom Mitchell》资源包含电子书1册
Reading age : 9 years and up
Publisher : HarperCollinsChildren’sBooks (14 Mar. 2024)
Language : English
科林·柯勒律治(Colin Coleridge)正面临一个漫长而无聊的暑假,无所事事。
《如何阻止世界末日》(How to Stop the End of the World)搞笑、快节奏、动感十足,是一部面向9岁以上读者的启示录式有趣冒险小说
作者是《逃离无聊营地》(Escape from Camp Boring)和《当事情变得狂野时》(When Things Went Wild)。
About the Author
Tom Mitchell is mostly a dad, partly a teacher and sometimes a writer. He grew up in the West Country and settled in London after a brief interlude in the East Midlands. He lives in Kent with his wife, Nicky, and sons, Dylan and Jacob. In 2015 Tom’s Twitter account was one of twenty-five worldwide invited to have its tweets showcased in the Twitter Fiction Festival. He has had comedy sketches performed for BBC Radio 4, both nonfiction and fiction pieces published on The Classical and Londonist websites, and was a semi-finalist in the UK’s Channel 4-organised search for new writing, The Play’s the Thing. HOW TO ROB A BANK was his first novel.